Welcome to St Joseph’s Primary School website
About Us
St. Joseph’s Primary School for Children with Visual Impairment aims to ensure that every pupil has access to a broad, balanced and appropriate curriculum which is suitably challenging and delivered with dignity.
We recognise that each child is unique and should be given the opportunity to learn in an inclusive environment where ability, not disability, is central.
School News

April 05,2024
Term 2 – The Good Work Continued!
We had a great Term 2 here at St Joseph’s Primary School for Children with a Visual Impairment. Here is a sample of all the good work and fun that was had in term 2. Room 1: Through Art the children are exploring a variety of senses and some though not all of […] Read More >

January 09,2024
Term 1 – What a start to the year at St Joseph’s VI
We had a great Term 1 at St Joseph’s welcoming new pupils and staff to the school. We had plenty of excitement, learning and fun along they way. Here is a short overview of Term 1: September 2023: September saw the return of all the pupils and staff to St Joseph’s VI after the summer [&h Read More >

June 21,2020
Keeping Well- Mind, Body and Spirit
Our school’s mission statement speaks about our aim to nurture each child holistically, in mind, body and spirit. There are some ‘wellness’ resources on the School News page of our website. We hope that these ‘mind, body, spirit’ resources will be useful. MIND National Read More >

June 15,2020
Orientation & Mobility Videos
Since we first posted Laura’s instructional videos for a range of Orientation and Mobility skills on the school website, she has drawn all 7 videos into an unlisted YouTube playlist. These videos are a very helpful reference for parents as children practise the relevant skills. (Thanks, Laur Read More >

May 20,2020
Orientation & Mobility, Auditory Abilities
At Home Activity 1: Play some music on your phone or use a musical toy and encourage your child to try to locate the object. They may initially start by turning towards the source of the sound and you can gradually encourage movement towards the object. Use different sources of sound (wind-up toy, v Read More >

May 20,2020
Orientation & Mobility, Positional Concepts & Body Awareness
It can be difficult for children to learn about directional concepts up/down, top/bottom/ over/under, high/low, next to or beside/ forward/backward, in/out, near/far. There are several games you can play which can help to reinforce these concepts. In/ Out games: Give your child a small container wit Read More >

May 06,2020
Music Therapy Videos
Bill has uploaded these videos as an unlisted YouTube playlist, for use within the St. Joseph’s Primary VI school community. The children will enjoy his interaction and songs. Thanks, Bill! Click on this link to view the videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc_7eJO5zxRrjEJRYxGBw7Z8ag Read More >

May 06,2020
Orientation & Mobility, Nature Walks
Nature Walk Idea- Sensory Scavenger Hunt […] Read More >

May 06,2020
Orientation & Mobility, Indoors Obstacle Course
Play ‘follow the leader’ and travel around obstacles: go under the chair climb over the cushion go to a wall and turn left or right; step onto and off objects; jump on to the rug go into and out of objects such as a big box; or go through a tunnel made of a long […] Read More >

May 05,2020
Orientation & Mobility, Quiz 2
Quiz Audio File: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alpv0_bi4EisgS5ZWqB7QowUfnwd Quiz Answers for Parents: 1. car 2. train 3. motorbike 4. helicopter 5. aeroplane 6. ambulance 7. fire truck 8. garda car 9. bin truck 10. bus Read More >